Empowering Communities
Transforming Lives

As a flagship initiative of Metores Trust, Udhyam is a rural entrepreneurship program designed to encourage entrepreneurship in the hills of Uttarakhand’s Kumaon region. Our program empowers local entrepreneurs by providing access to crucial financial support and expert mentorship, helping them grow their businesses, create sustainable employment for themselves and their communities, and contribute to the local economy. Through Udhyam, we aim to nurture a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in the hills, paving the way for long-term socio-economic development.

A rural entrepreneurship program designed to foster the rural economy and support entrepreneurs from the hills.
Metores Trust
Its housed under Metores Trust
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.
Inspire entrepreneurship within rural mountain communities as a means to empower villages to achieve self-sufficiency in employment & livelihood.
Identify & support entrepreneurs between 21 & 58 years with financial, technical & mentorship assistance to enable them to establish & grow their businesses
Entrepreneurs Supported
Capital Deployed
Jobs Created
Women Entrepreneurs Supported
What We Do
Udhyam is a rural entrepreneurship program designed to encourage entrepreneurship among village communities in Uttarakhand’s Kumaon region. With the right support, Udhyam entrepreneurs create jobs for their communities and contribute to the local economy.

Incubation or
Whether it’s a new business idea or an existing enterprise, the Udhyam team works closely on the ground with each entrepreneur for a period of two years.

Financial support
through loans
Based on their business needs, all entrepreneurs get access to financial resources. They are given loans payable in instalments over two years through our partner NBFCs.

Our team regularly checks in with entrepreneurs on their monthly records, to understand their challenges in business and ensure they are making progress on their goals.

Under mentoring support , entrepreneurs with specific needs are connected with specialized expert mentors who provide support in scaling up business.

Why Uttarakhand?
To slow down the rate of migration from Uttarakhand’s hilly areas to cities, by providing sustainable livelihood opportunities in the villages itself through locally owned and community-based enterprises.
There is a massive need for employment in the region, as an increasing number of educated youths in the Kumaon region currently face a bleak future with very limited livelihood options.
We envision that this will have a multiplier effect in the short and medium term, effectively boosting local employment, creating jobs and encouraging more and more people to consider entrepreneurship as a viable choice. We work in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8 of ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’, which aims to tackle the growing problems of youth unemployment and access to opportunity.